Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal treatments have become more common in recent years, and many people – both men and women – have undergone some form of laser hair removal treatment, be it on their face, back, shoulders, legs, or other areas of the body. But just like any other beauty or cosmetic treatment, laser hair removal doesn’t come without risks. In fact, the risks of such treatment are plentiful. There is the risk of a burn injury, there is the risk of a skin reaction, rash, or swelling, and more. Here’s what you need to know about laser hair removal treatments: risks, injuries, and compensation.

The risks and injuries

Since a laser treatment procedure makes use of a concentrated laser, there are certain risks involved. One of the most significant risks of laser hair removal treatment is burns. Burns can range from first degree to third degree burns; with first degree burns, the injury is only at the surface of the skin, whilst second degree burns go through to the skin’s second layer. With third degree burns, the wound penetrates into the tissue lying underneath the skin’s first and second layers. As you can imagine, a third degree burn is the most serious type of burn.

Another risk associated with laser hair removal treatment is scarring, which can be temporary or permanent; it can also be disfiguring if the scar is located in a noticeable area such as the face or the legs. Other risks include changes in the colour of the skin or the skin’s pigmentation, swelling or redness of the skin, blistering, and acute sensitivity of the skin. If there is a burn, an infection could develop as well.

Receiving compensation

If you have suffered an injury, you may be entitled to compensation. Your compensation – the amount you can receive – will depend on several factors, such as the extent or severity of your injury, its effect on your life or livelihood (if you are a model and you have a scar on your face, for instance, this could affect your career prospects in the future), and its effect on your self-esteem or mental and emotional state.

In order to receive compensation, you should take some necessary steps. The first step is to have the injury checked and treated by a medical professional, of course, but the second step is to gather all evidence related to the injury, which includes photographs, medical records and medical prescriptions, witness accounts, and so on. You should keep anything pertaining to the injury so that you can present it as evidence to the relevant parties.

Beauty injury claims such as laser hair removal treatment claims are on the rise – but with help from a professional solicitor, you should be able to get the justice you deserve.

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